With single-parent and two-income families rapidly increasing in South Dakota, so is the increasing responsibility of in-home daycares, commercial daycare centers as well as before-and-after school programs.
Leaving a child in a daycare setting is not always an easy decision for parents. When you place your child in daycare, you trust that the child care providers will afford a safe environment and will take exceptional care of your children and protect them from any harm. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and children are personally injured due to inadequate supervision and training, improper playground maintenance, or even worse, physical or sexual abuse or wrongful death.
Most often, personal injuries or the wrongful death of a child at daycare is the direct result of an unsafe environment or negligence of the daycare provider and staff. Some daycares simply have too many children and are understaffed to provide the utmost supervision and highest level of care you should expect.
The Johnson Janklow Abdallah, LLP, attorneys have represented families and children who have been harmed and whom have sadly lost their lives due to daycare negligence. We know the law and the process, both civil and the criminal procedure. We understand how devastating and emotionally traumatic it is when a child is harmed by someone you trusted.
If you believe that your child may be experiencing abuse or mistreatment at their daycare, it is time to speak up on their behalf and contact a Johnson Janklow Abdallah, LLP, daycare negligence attorney today. Let us put our legal team of caring and respected professionals to work for you and your child. To schedule a free consultation, call us at 605-338-4304, or complete our free case review form online.